The love of God is always forgiving. It forgave me before I forgave myself. Once I received God's love and forgiveness, my spirit was renewed. Forgiving myself helped me remove the shame from my past mistakes.
Forgiving myself released me from the spirit of depression. The mistakes I made hunted me so much, that I felt like my life was over. I felt like, "This is it. This is all my life is going to be. I'm a horrible mother, I can't pick the right man. I can't get a promotion on my job. I don't know what my future holds." I was beating myself up because of my past bad relationships, including my failed marriages.

There is a story in the Bible about a woman that Jesus met by a well. He was waiting there for His disciples because they went to get something to eat. The woman was there by herself, which was unusual because normally everyone would go to the well at certain times. The well was like the water cooler at work. But this woman was isolated. This woman had secrets that were keeping her ashamed of her past and current situation. She was an outsider because of her relationship situation. She was also an outsider because of her beliefs. Jesus wasn't supposed to be talking to the woman but talked to her anyway. He told her about her situation then basically said it doesn't matter. I will accept you if you thirst after me I will fulfill your thirst. I will give you the gift of God.
John 4:13-14 says "Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Jesus gave the woman the opportunity to tell the truth about her situation. Once she stated her truth He didn't condemn her but helped her to believe in Him. The woman was then able to not be ashamed of who she was any more but went to get others to tell them this is the Messiah. Once the others arrived to Jesus, they believed for themselves. Once the shame was off of the woman, she helped other people receive eternal life.
Being ashamed of past mistakes is a clogged pipe to joy. It stops life from being fulfilling and adds on heaviness to thoughts because of always being focused on what others think. It stops the flow of purpose that will lead to other blessing. It's time to unclog the pipes by removing shame out of life. Receive God's forgiveness and love. He is here to give, not condemn.
Dear Lord, thank you for being full of love. Thank you for forgiving us. I pray that you will give us the strength to forgive ourselves. Please remove the shame of our past from our spirits so that we can be used by you. Help us to remove the shame so that we can continue to walk in purpose or discover our purpose. We want the water that will cause us to never thirst again. In Jesus name, Amen.