Being settled in life is the goal right? We want calm and peace all the days of our life. We don't want to argue with family members, we just want to make friends and keep brunching. However, I'm writing this blog to give a different perspective.

Many of us question why does it seem like there is always something going wrong in my life? Why can't things get settled? The different perspective is we shouldn't have a settled in life because the settlement doesn't come from what's around us, but from what's inside of us. The settlement inside of us will conquer those things outside of us that are not settled. When our mind is settled on putting God first, we will always have a settled mind. God will give us peace that surpasses all understanding. We will be more than conquerors in Him. We will be able to do all things through His strength. A dozen of eggs could go up to ten dollars but people that are settled in God will say, " Well that means God is going to give me the wisdom to show me how to increase my finances. He is going to give me the wisdom to get out of debt so I will have enough money for these rising prices." Don't get settled in depending on outside things, but get settled in focusing on God all the time.
There is a saying that is said in church, "God is good, all the time and all the time God is good." The phrase is so "normal" that we neglect to take in what we are really saying. The deep meaning of the phrase states no matter what is going on around you, God is good. He's good in the good times and the bad. The truth is, life will never be completely settled but we can be settled in God mentally and spiritually.
How do we get settled in God? It's a daily walk with God, it's always praying, and reading your Bible. Being settled in God instead of the things around us is letting God take control, trusting Him and obeying Him. Don't settle in the negativity but settle in God's presence.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for being the King of Kings. Thank you for being good all the time. Please help us to not settle in the negativity around us, but settle in You. Settle our minds and hearts to focus on the peace that You have given us. Give us the desire to choose you everyday so we will be ready to conquer the bad things that happen around us. In Jesus name, Amen.